Sunday, November 13, 2011 My Bad...

At the end of the day, hey, let’s go under the radar and be proactive

Game changers, touching base while hitting the ground running;

Pushing the envelope while reaching for low hanging fruit

And giving 110 per cent knowing we can do this!



It is what it is 24/7 because the elephant in the room

Is none other than the 800-pound canary, which translates into

The user experience of putting lipstick on a pig while herding cats

Resulting in the takeaway that living in the moment resonates

With going the extra ginormous mile to get to that next level of synergy

Which is all good and gives us permission not to beat ourselves up.

Yes and no, despite the fact it’s a no-brainer on steroids, a bold re-imagining of

Not drinking the Kool-Aid while getting thrown under

The bus by incenting state-of-the-art tipping points in an impactful way.


Stick a fork in it…it’s done. We’re good to go!

Girlfriend, ramp-up the paradigm shifts by coloring outside the lines because

That was so ten minutes ago! Let’s be honest, I’m not going to lie to you.

We need boots on the ground to come to Jesus and our stakeholders.

So let’s circle back and reach out to the community through integrated increased

Bandwidth borrowing equally from all buckets.
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Toxic Russian Mars Probe Likely Heading Back to Earth


Russia's space agency has so far failed to contact its $13-million unmanned Phobos-Grunt Mars probe, which it lost contact with immediately after launch early on Wednesday -- and may end up as the 18th in a long string of unsuccessful Russian missions to the Red Planet.
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My Saturn Return ate my Skywatch

At least that’s what I’m blaming it on. Those of you on my mailing list already know this story, but after spending over two hours writing the November Skywatch a template glitch ate the entire thing before it could be posted. Thanks to those of you who suggested writing the article in a Word document and then transferring it into the website - I will definitely do that next time! The weird thing is I kept saving the document because I had a feeling something was going to happen. Anyway… Saturn transits tend to create delays and disappointments and events that frustrate us, all in the name of keeping one’s nose to the grindstone. My chart has Saturn, Sun and Neptune all in a nice little triad and while Saturn has completed the transit to my Saturn and Sun it is now sitting right on my Neptune. A very apt significator for the confusion of the disappearance into the ethers of my writing (Neptune rules fogs, mists, illusion and all things confusing, as well as the higher aspects of transcendence.)

But I will make up for it by posting everything that WOULD have been in Skywatch here at Astrological Musings.

During the month of November there are still no major interactions between the outer planets to create havoc, which means that any planetary transits to our own chart will be singular rather than the influence of a collective. It also means that we are likely not to have any significantly huge global events, so this continues to be a time of rest and rehabilitation as we gear up for the fun with Uranus and Pluto in 2012.

Neptune turns direct on November 9th after traveling retrograde since the summer. Since mid-October Neptune has been virtually stationary, shining its laser beam of inspirational light on us, and that will continue until late in November. Neptune urges us to transcend the boundaries of our ordinary day-to-day world, but can also lead us into confusion and delusion so care must be taken to honor that line between them.

Venus and Mercury both move into Sagittarius today, lightening the mood and bringing us out of the Scorpionic darkness into the more social season of adventure and travel. But both planets are in a square to Chiron over the next couple of days which may bring us into experiences of old wounds and deep feelings that perhaps we would rather ignore. Recognizing that feelings are just energy is a big help in allowing that energy to simply flow through and be released, and this is the Chironic process of healing. That process will be made easier by the trine of Mercury and Venus to Uranus, the planet of innovation and new ideas. As we open up to new ways of looking at the world the old wounds fall away effortlessly, releasing us into a new future.
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